* Not in ImageReady
Mac OS
Align left, center, or right*
Horizontal type tool + Control + Shift + L, C, or R
Horizontal type tool + Command + Shift + L, C, or R
Align top, center, or bottom*
Vertical type tool + Control + Shift + L, C, or R
Vertical type tool + Command + Shift + L, C, or R
Return to default font style
Control + Shift + Y
Command + Shift + Y
Choose 100% horizontal scale*
Control + Shift + X
Command + Shift + X
Choose 100% vertical scale*
Control + Shift + Alt + X
Command + Shift + Option + X
Choose Auto leading*
Control + Shift + Alt + A
Command + Shift + Option + A
Choose 0 for tracking*
Control + Shift + Q
Command + Control + Shift + Q
Justify paragraph, left aligns last line*
Control + Shift + J
Command + Shift + J
Justify paragraph, forces last line*
Control + Shift + F
Command + Shift + F
Toggle paragraph hyphenation on/off*
Control + Shift + Alt + H
Command + Control + Shift + Option + H
Toggle single/every-line composer on/off*
Control + Shift + Alt + T
Command + Shift + Option + T
Decrease or increase type size of selected text 2 pts/px
Control + Shift + < or >†
Command + Shift + < or >†
Decrease or increase leading 2 pts/px
Alt + Down Arrow or Up Arrow††
Option + Down Arrow or Up Arrow††
Decrease or increase baseline shift 2 pts/px
Shift + Alt + Down Arrow or Up Arrow††
Shift + Option + Down Arrow or Up Arrow††
Decrease or increase kerning/tracking 20/1000 ems
Alt + Left Arrow or Right Arrow††
Option + Left Arrow or Right Arrow††
†Hold down Alt (Win) or Option (Mac OS) to decrease/increase by 10
††Hold down Control (Win) or Command (Mac OS) to decrease/increase by 10
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