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Sunday, January 11, 2015

Creating profiles of your output devices

    Profiles of your output devices (sometimes called destination profiles or output profiles) describe the color space of devices like desktop printers and a printing press. The Photoshop color management system uses these profiles in two ways:
    • To properly map the colors in an image to the colors within the gamut of an output device's color space so the resulting colors are the same or similar enough to retain the overall appearance of the original image.
    • To generate a preview of how the colors in an image will probably look when produced by the output device. For more information about using profiles for previewing (proofing) the colors in an image, see Soft-proofing colors.
    As with any profile, the more accurately a destination profile describes the behavior of an output device, the more accurately the Photoshop color management system can translate the numeric values of the actual colors in a document or generate a preview of how an image will look in the color space of the output device.

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