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Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Draw a path

Draw a path using the Pen tool.
To draw a path with the Pen tool, you click to set anchor points for the path, and Photoshop draws lines between the points (called segments). To draw a curve, you click and drag, which both sets a point of the path and adjusts the shape of the curve. Unlike elements you draw with the Brush or Pencil tool, a path has no pixels associated with it, so you must fill or stroke it before it becomes part of your image.
  • Select the Pen tool Pen tool in the toolbox.
  • In the options bar at the top of the work area, click the Paths button Paths button .
  • In the document window, click to set the first point of the path for a straight line. To set the first point of a curve, drag in the direction you want the path to curve.
  • To create a straight line, click where you want the endpoint of the line. To create a curve, move the pointer to the location for the next point, and drag away from the point. The curve changes shape as you drag. Notice the direction lines that appear and move with the mouse.
  • Click or drag to continue adding points. To delete the point you just added, press the Backspace key (Windows) or Delete key (Mac OS).
  • To close a shape, position the pointer over the first point. When a circle appears next to the pointer, click (for a straight segment) or drag (for a curve).
  • To adjust a curve, click the Direct Selection tool Direct Selection tool in the toolbox (it may be hidden by the Path Selection tool Path Selection tool ). Then select the curve. The direction lines of the anchor points on either side of the curve appear. Drag the endpoints of the direction lines until you are satisfied with the curve.
  • Tip iconYou can add or delete points using the Add Anchor Point Add Anchor Point and Delete Anchor Point Delete Anchor Point tools (found under the Pen tool). 

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